Matt Haney Seeks To Eliminate Only-in-San Francisco Appeals

By Thomas P. Tunny : reubenlaw – excerpt

Housing developers in San Francisco no doubt recognize this entitlement moment of disbelief: after a grueling, years-long process of working with staff, neighbors, and policy-makers, with numerous concessions made to address the potential impacts of their proposed project, the project finally receives its entitlement from the Planning Commission (a recent study found that a multifamily housing project takes 627 days on average to obtain a building permit) when lo and behold, the Board of Appeals sends notice that the project’s site permit has been appealed; and/or the demolition permit is appealed; and/or the grading permit; and/or the tree planting permit…(more)

This comment was sent from a resident in Southern California:
I heard them discussing a bill on KCBS this morning that the governor is trying to use to build a high rise Residential in San Francisco by over-riding the Board of Supervisors. Is this the Mr. Haney bill, AB 1114, Introduced? If it is and the way KCBS was describing how the governor was planning on using it in San Francisco , it was really frightening and threatening…

My response is that California is not looking good to the rest of the country. The national press is not very sympathetic to some of the more radical ideas that target communities and single projects coming out of the state legislature. It appears the Biz Journal ran a story on this. Article attached: AB 1114- Sloat