Four Anti-California Coastal Commission Bills Hit Sacramento.

These four bills — all by Democrats — take different tacks:
Actions may take if you oppose them

•   SB951 By San  Francisco Senator Scott Wiener
Puts further restrictions on what kinds of projects can be appealed directly to the Commission. In it’s current version.
An earlier version of that bill would have cut a chunk of San Francisco out of the Coastal Zone entire, but that proposal was amended. Together they show that many pro-housing legislators have taken heart from last year’s battle for the coast.

•   AB2560 by San Diego Assemblymember David Alvarez.
Exempts from the Coastal Act apartment projects that make use of density bonus law – a policy that lets developers build taller, higher and with fewer restrictions if they set aside units for lower income residents.

•   SB1077 Encinitas Senator Catherine Blakespear
Makes the same exception for accessory dwelling units ( ADUs),

•   SB1092 by Encinitas Senator Catherine Blakespear
Forces the Commission to process appeals of locally-approved apartment buildings faster.

Fresh batch of YIMBY housing bills clash with coastal protections (again)