TogetherSF Action stops collecting signatures for mayoral power initiative

By Patrick Hoge : sfexaminer – excerpt (includes audio track)

TogetherSF Action, a group backed by billionaire venture capitalist Michael Moritz, said Tuesday it would stop trying to qualify a measure for the November ballot that would increase the San Francisco mayor’s authority after people expressed concerns that it might give newfound powers to the wrong person if a candidate they did not favor were to win the mayoral race.

“It’s disappointing to put something out there and have to pull it back, but I think ultimately, we have to make the decision that is best for the city, for our community, for everybody that’s involved in the effort,” said Kanishka Cheng, the group’s founder and CEO, saying she did not want to waste resources on an unsuccessful campaign…(more)

I wonder if someone from the group saw this video that describes the mayor’s powers and realized how powerful the mayor is already.

In my opinion, a political system works best with a balance of powers, something we are missing lately. It is particularly good when the balance favors the public will, not the will of government officials who are supposed to serve us. I look forward to a mayor who understands that.