Supervisor Safaí introduces resolution urging city to house homeless children

By Xueer Lu : missionlocal – excerpt

Supervisor Ahsha Safaí introduced a resolution at the Board of Supervisors today urging the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to address child homelessness by prioritizing families for shelter.

“In a city with almost 48 billionaires, it is unconscionable that we have children living on our streets when we have shelter beds that are vacant,” said Safaí, who wants the homelessness department to give families shelter or hotel vouchers the same day they make contact with city officials. Families who arrive at an access point, where families get referral to shelters and housing, should be allowed to extend their vouchers if there is no alternative housing or shelter, he said.

In addition, the resolution asks the city to create a multilingual public dashboard where families can monitor the shelter waitlist and their own progress in entering permanent housing…(more)