Shutdown of Civic Center Tent Village Underway in Advance of Pride Festivities

by David Sjostedt : sfstandard – excerpt

City officials are demobilizing a city-sanctioned tent village at Civic Center in preparation for the comeback of Pride festivities in June.

The encampment opened in May 2020 as a temporary solution for unhoused residents, many of whom were evicted from the city’s shared shelter spaces due to Covid outbreaks. The city is now in the process of moving tent dwellers to other shelter and shutting down the site in the coming weeks.

Denny Machuca-Grebe, spokesperson for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, said the city is in the process of rehousing the remaining 24 guests at the site into permanent supportive housing. Those who aren’t rehoused will be placed into one of the city’s shelters until an appropriate placement is found, Machuca-Grebe said… (more)