SF Police Commission Considers Ordering Chief to Reverse Course on Cutting Ties with DA Chesa Boudin

By Michael Barca : sfstandard – exerpt

Police Commission considers ordering Chief Scott to reverse course on decision to leave agreement with DA Boudin.

District Attorney Chesa Boudin accused Police Chief Bill Scott of bowing to political pressure from the police union last week after the chief severed an agreement that put prosecutors in charge of investigating police shootings and other use-of-force cases.

But now Chief Scott—who faced a possible vote of no confidence from the department’s union—is under criticism from his civilian bosses on the Police Commission, who say they were blindsided by his decision to abandon a key piece of police reform. The commission, which has the power to fire the chief, is now considering ordering him to reverse course.

Scott pulled out of the agreement last Wednesday over allegations that the District Attorney’s Office withheld evidence while investigating a police officer for beating a man with a baton. The chief accused prosecutors of violating the agreement by not sharing information with his department as the two agencies conducted parallel investigations into the incident.

The decision to withdraw from the agreement without first consulting the Police Commission exasperated commission President Malia Cohen. The agreement is a key part of the police reform efforts started in San Francisco following a series of deadly police shootings in 2015…(more)