San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin Says People Want Him To Run for Mayor

By Josh John :sfstandard – excerpt

Mayor London Breed’s road to reelection is getting as crowded as a WrestleMania ring, and there will likely be no shortage of skullduggery and political body slams between now and November 2024.

Supervisor Ahsha Safaí announced his candidacy in the spring and immediately started taking digs at Breed as a weak leader. Anti-poverty nonprofit founder Daniel Lurie launched his campaign last week and a day later was attacking the mayor’s plan to force drug-addicted welfare recipients into treatment. As the moderate candidates duke it out, the door is open for a progressive to carve out a lane and take advantage of the city’s ranked-choice voting system.

But so far, no one has emerged to … wait … no, it can’t be … bah gawd, is that Supervisor Aaron Peskin’s theme music?!…(more)

All right, Josh, you have our attention. You deserve a read today. Let me get a cup of coffee to mull that one over.