San Francisco mayor vetoes Aaron Peskin’s housing density limit bill

By Gabe Greschler :sfstandard – excerpt

In keeping with a campaign promise to nix legislation that blocks housing, San Francisco Mayor London Breed said Thursday that she will veto a bill that tweaked density limits along the city’s Northern Waterfront.

In a letter, Breed wrote that the bill, authored by Board President Aaron Peskin, “passes off anti-housing policy under the guise of historic protection.” The Board of Supervisors approved the legislation in an 8-3 vote on Feb. 27

The mayor’s veto pushes Peskin’s housing legislation back to the Board of Supervisors, who can override it with eight votes…(more)

What is the point in this? The bill was already passed with eight votes. Now they have to revote on it again to get the 8 votes to override her veto? What is the point? Does she plan to coerce supervisors into changing their votes? What has changed?