Proposed California law aims to close car break-in ‘loophole’

By Karma Dickerson : fox40 – excerpt (includes video)

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KTXL) — Across California, more and more people are coming to their cars to find someone has forced their way in and taken their belongings. Almost everyone has a car break-in story to tell.

Many people FOX40 spoke with were surprised to learn that finding the thieves isn’t the only challenge for authorities — holding them accountable in court isn’t is as straight forward as many might think.

When it comes to stealing from cars, California law defines burglary as entering a vehicle “when the doors are locked.”…

“We have to prove the vehicle is locked to make it a felony,” Ronald Lawrence, president of the California Police Chiefs Association, told FOX40…

Assembly Bill 1921 would create a new law that simply makes forcibly entering a vehicle to steal a crime…(more)