New Planning Commissioners

Gilbert Williams nominated by President Peskin
Gilbert Williams dedicated PODER member for over a decade has spent the entire pandemic learning about Land Use through his participation in the Race & Equity in all Planning Coalition’s “All Planning to the People” series. Always wanting to learn more by asking questions, and supporting his fellow community members leadership development, his leadership presented an opportunity to have a seat at the decision making table. After months of careful consideration, weeks of sleepless nights navigating the application process to join the Planning Commission. It was a whirlwind finale that started with the Rules Committee on Monday March 11th, Full Board vote Tuesday March 12th,  Sworn in Wednesday March 13th, and first day as Planning Commissioner on Thursday March 14th… (more)

Lydia So nominated by Mayor Breed
Mayor London N. Breed announced the nomination of Lydia So to the San Francisco Planning Commission. In June 2023, Mayor Breed appointed So to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors, where she has worked to advance the equity, safety, and efficiency of Muni for San Francisco residents and visitors… more)

The Current member of the SF Planning Commission are
Sue Diamond, President; Kathrin Moore, Vice-President;
Derek Braun, Theresa Imperial, Joel Koppel, Lydia So, Gilbert Williams