Newsom wants emergency $1.4 billion PG&E nuclear bailout—now

By Tim Redmond : 48hills – excerpt

Fast-track bill would override state regulation and give criminal utility taxpayer money for a plant that isn’t safe—and guv wants a vote this week.

Gov. Gavin Newsom just released an immensely complicated bill that includes stunning taxpayer giveaways to PG&E, changes the way energy prices are set in California, and would keep alive a nuclear power plant that is not only aging but no longer meets federal safety standards.

And he’s asking the state Legislature to vote on it Wednesday/31.

“This is terrible,” Loretta Lynch, former president of the California Public Utilities Commission and an energy-policy expert, told me…(more)

What exactly does Newsom owe PG&E officials that makes him so intent on pushing their profits to the top of his list of state concerns? This kind of allegiance is not excusable in a public servant and should make if ineligible to run for national office. Once again, California is called upon to warn the nation that they don’t want our public servants in their White House. Will they listen this time or just gaze at the well-coiffed attractive man that is somehow indebted to big energy.