Monday, June 13, 7 PM
What it is like to live in a BMR in San Francisco.
Speakers: Supervisor Preston, Lea Curry, Dave Osgood, Annika Hom,
and guests discussed issues with rents, empty units, maintenance and problems with the level services provided to he BMR clients. Written report

Tuesday, May 24, 7 PM
No on A 
$400 MUNI Bond on the June 7, 2022 ballot and
Open the Streets return to pre-COVID normal conditions.
After 2 online debates CSFN is opposing A : See below:
The SaveMuni Debate on the $400 Million Muni Bond Bill of 2022
and https://csfn.net/index.php/events/
As the city awakens to the realization that we are living in a “new normal” it is important for the citizens to reshape our future and not succumb to a failed policies from the past. Vast amounts of cash will be temporarily thrown our way and we should determine what infrastructure we want to support. We anticipate a spirited conversation and suggestions for actions we can take.

$400 million Muni Bond explained :

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 – CFSN General Assembly Meeting
Debate on Prop A The $400 Million Muni Bond Bill
with Jeffery Tumlin and Larry Marso

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 – CFSN General Assembly Meeting
SF City Attorney David Chiu : Interview with City Attorney David Chiu What his department does and how you may contact various people in his department.  https://youtu.be/KH3oJ2oP7PU

Monday, April 18, 2022, The SaveMuni Debate
$400 Million Muni Bond will be on the June ballot.
Find out what it means to you.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2022 – 6:30PM CSFN LUTC Meeting
April 13 LUTC Agenda  We will investigate how passage of recent state laws and local oridances and policies have  effected our neighborhoods by concentrating on some neighborhood projects that concern our members.  2955 Misison and 2700 Sloat Blvd
Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/IKW61uaVOeO67AuvBQVWD68uZ6tVJBwqccnCUtkCmo6iFRHQcT9KhsKS3vOfSBJr.kyyfu8jiinVZMorG


See the recording of the debate if you missed it: https://www.thd.org/debate


Tuesday March 15, 7 PM –  Meet the intrepid investigative reporters who broke the stories that exposed the  dark side of City Hall. Speakers: Dr. Derek Kerr, Tim Redmond, and Susan Dyer Reynolds. Request an invitation if you don’t receive one.

Tuesday, November 16, 6:30PM – GA
Dennis Richards on the State Ballot to Amend the State Constitution to support local jurisdiction over land use decisions.See all the details here:  ourneighborhoodvoices.org.  Volunteer. Gather signatures. Donate what you can.

Wednesday, November 10, 6:30 PM
Open the Streets II with Park Access 4 All
Sponsored by CSFN Land Use Transportation Committee.
Park Access 4 All supports reopening JFK and other streets that connect the neighborhoods now. Our citizens, including the elderly and disabled, and families with children and pets, need easy access to public parks. The emergency is over and we need our streets back.

Wednesday, October 13, 5:30 PM
Followup on SB 35 and the State Density Bonus Effects
recording – https://youtu.be/n5yN2GJgFoo
Sponsored by CSFN Land Use Transportation Committee
Architect Tom Soper will explain how the State Bills such as SB35 and the State Density Bonus limit our options and what we may want to do about it, especially now that SB9 and SB10 were passed and signed by Governor Newsom. Public comments are welcome.
Download flyer with details and links

Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 6:30 PM
The State of the Streets of San Francisco
Sponsored by CSFN Land Use Transportation Committee
Moderator –  Mari Eliza – https://youtu.be/6675tonTgq4
Discussion lead by Steven Hill on the State of the Streets of San Francisco. His recent article in 48Hills “The Great Highway Shutdown Fiasco” generated a lot of conversations.

Wednesday, September 1, 5:30PM
CSFN Land Use Transportation Committee
Town Hall:
  SFPUC Water Issues – recording
Moderator: Charles Head
Guest Speaker: Peter Drekmeier is the Policy Director for the Tuolumne River Trust and a former mayor of Palo Alto.

Land Use and Transportation Committee
2022 Housing Element
Stuart Flashman, CEQA Attorney moderator
Shelley Caltagirone will presented the 2022 Housing Element for the Planning department and answered questions.
PowerPoint  and other documents here: https://www.sfhousingelement.org

CSFN Presentation on Solar System Protection
Land Use and Transportation Committee
Save California Solar Recording
Speakers: Dave RosenfeldSolar Rights Alliance I think you all know Dave
Richard Skaff, Designing Accessible Communities, on battery backups
Grant Smith, EWG Environmental Working Group, political issues
Bronte Payne, Go Solar Campaign Director,  Environment California


The CPUC threatens solar owners. Let the commissioners and the governor know how you feel about that. Stop the Utility Profit Grab Toolkit – Join the Alliance. info@solarrights.org

Mission Verde with Josh Klipp explained how the missionverde.org program works to plant and water the street trees that are being removed. Check in with the organization to see how you can help with the watering program to keep the new trees alive.

Thursday, September 15, noon – Rescuesf.org Supervisor Shamann Walton and Gwendolyn Westbrook, CEO of United Council of Human Services, discuss homelessness in the Bayview. Past Events:

Tuesday, September 22, 3 PM – Board of Supervisors CEQA Appeals on SFMTA – Ayone who is concerned about the way the SFMTA has handled the streets this year should consider opposing supporting this effort. Details here: MTA CEQA appeals

Wednesday, September 23, 5:30 PM: Telegrah District 3 Supervisors debate sponsored by the Telegraph Hill Dwellers, North Beach Business Association, North Beach Neighbors, Next Village SF, and the Barbary Coast Neighborhood Association. Moderator: Trisha Thadani SFChronicle, Online event. Register for tickets: www.tiny.cc/D3Debate

Tuesday, May 19 SOAR Webinar: Candidate ForumClick to Watch

Thursday, June 24, 5:30PM Telegraph Hills Dwellers
with Supervisor Aaron Peskin and Joe Eskenazi of Mission Local (facebook)