

September 23, Monday, September 23 · 7 PM
Event at Manny’s – Should the Great Highway be Closed to Cars?
Richard Corriea (spokesperson for Open the Great Highway) and Lucas Lux (President of Friends of Great Highway Park) will discuss both sides of the debate. Tickets:

September 18,  10:00 AM – District 11 No on K Press Conference
Persia Avenue @ McLaren Park, 101 Dublin Street
District 11 leaders and residents will speak out against Proposition K, sharing the real impacts it will have on working people, families, and the community. Prop K sets a dangerous precedent for street closures. Invited Speakers: Nicky Trasvina, District 11 Community Leader for Seniors; Supervisor Candidates:  Michael Lai, Chyanne Chen, Adlah Chisti, Roger Underhill; Veteran & Member of District 11 Democratic Club; Bayard Fong, Former President, Chinese American Democratic Club; Glenn Rogers, President of Coalition of San Francisco Neighborhoods;  Cora McCoy, VP and President-Elect of Church Women United, SF Unit

September 17, 2024, 6:30 PM – CSFM GA
Guest Speaker is Peter Drekmeier and the Tuolumne River Trust

Friday August 9 2024, 6:30 PM – CSFN G&E
(G&E – Review documents before the meeting)

Tuesday August 13, 6:30 PM – CSFN GA

Tuesday August 20, 6:30 PM:  EXCOM

Tuesday,  July 16, 6:30 PM – zoom
CSFN General Assembly Meeting:
Misha Steier – Update on the SF Public Bank
Land Use and Transportation additions:
Great Highway Letter
Save Twin Peaks Lease 

Tuesday, June 18 6:30 PM – zoom
CSFN General Assembly Meeting Program:
Guest Speaker Connie Chan will discus the budget

Friday June 14, 7PM zoom
Stephen Martin-Pinto will review Taraval and West Portal Projects

Wednesday, June 12, 6:30 PM Sydney Goldstein Theater, Manny’s and City Arts & Lectures host the very first mayoral debate ahead of the 2024 election. Join us for an opportunity to get to know the candidates. The debate will be moderated by Heather Knight, The New York Times’ San Francisco Bureau Chief, and Manny Yekutiel of Manny’s. RSVP:
If the cost of a ticket is prohibitive, please contact

Wednesday, June 5, 7-9 PM
Scottish Rite Center, 2850 19th Avenue (parking garage)
Upzoning Impacts presented by Neighborhoods United SF
District 7, along with many neighborhoods in western San Francisco, face significant upzoning mandated by the State and the City, aiming to raise building height throughout the area. These significantly taller structures won’t address affordable housing but will instead lead to luxury high-rises, tenant and small business displacement, and neighborhood gentrification, profoundly impacting our neighborhood and quality of life for all residents. Register Here:

Tuesday, May 21, 6:30 PM – Zoom
CSFN General Assembly Meeting Program: Transportion
Program Change: District 7 Town Hall – Upzoning Impacts
And CSFN Board Elections

Tuesday, April 16, 6:30 PM – Zoom
CSFN General Assembly Meeting Program: Transportion
Bob Feinbaum on Muni Trains (with Reso)
Up-zoning brings parking nightmares for residents.
Ask the candidates what they will do to protect us.

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 6:30-8:30 PM – a live event  Zoom
Christ Church Lutheran, 1090 Quintara Street
Sunset/Parkside District 4 Town Hall – Up-zoning Plans
Protect Neighborhoods, Support Merchants, Meet Housing Needs
Register – in person*  Limited space of 125
Register – via Zoom

Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 6-8:30 PM – a live event
1974 Union St, San Francisco, CA 94123 (Laguna)
NEON presents April Illuminate: a monthly rendezvous where San Francisco’s brightest minds light up the room with rapid-fire insights. Join us for a free Illuminate event at NEON.  You’ll hear from founders & community leaders. Each will be presenting a 5 minute lightning talk. Speaking this month are: A leader in non alcoholic bar movement, A cyclist & entrepreneur seeing the world by bike, A mayoral candidate, Small business owner, Food and drink to be served.   Sharam Shariati is speaking at 6:30pm regarding the first time homebuyer program. Register: 

Thursday, March 28, 9 AM
Thursday, March 28 –  9 AM Rally prior to the 10 AM – Room 250
Public Safety and Neighobrhood Services Committee Meeting: (agenda)
Impacts of Permanent Supportive Housing Facilities (Item 3) Dorsey
A Place for All Implementation Update (Item 4) Mandelman

Tuesday, March 19, 6:30 PMZoom
CSFN General Assembly Meeting Program: Homeless Shelters Updates  with Mark Nagel of Rescue SF and Supervisor Mandelman

Thursday, February 22, 12 PM – City Hall Room  250
SF Planning Commission Meeting –
Variance Hearing for 369 Valley Earthquake Shacks. Preservation of historical buildings.  Support for emergency  resolution on the GA agenda. See details here: SavetheShack

Tuesday, February 20, 6:30 PMZoom
CSFN General Assembly Meeting – March elections is the big topic.

Wednesday, February 7, 5 PM – City Hall Room  416
Board of Appeals Hearing on Appeal Nos. 23-062, 23-064, and 23-065; Upper Great Highway between Lincoln Way and Sloat Blvd. and surrounding streets. Public Comments of support are appreciated. Details on the cases are here: (comments are due by Thursday, February 1 at 4:30 PM)

Tuesday, February 6, 2 PM Board of Supervisors City Hall Room 250
231285  – A continuation of the case. When the Board of Supes considers an appeal of a housing development on 2395 Sacramento Street  and the negative impacts it will have on the Historic Sacramento St. Library. Appellants would appreciate supportive letters and live speakers. Some submitted letters for your review.

Sunday, February 4, 3-5 PM – San Francisco Italian Athletic Club
1630 Stockton on Union Square –  How Sacramento Has Undermined Democracy –
It Is Time to Take Back Our Local Zoning Control
Brad Paul, Deputy Executive Director, Local Government Services, MTC/ABAG
Fernando Marti, Former Director, Council of Community Housing Orgs 
Jovita Mendoza, Brentwood City Councilmember, Our Neighborhood Voices
Lori Brooke, Founder, Neighborhoods United SF
Kyle Smeallie, Policy Director SF Community Land Trust
Moderated by Aaron Peskin, President, San Francisco Board of Supervisors
Register Here Doors Open at 2:30 PM

Friday, February 2, 6:30 – Northern Police Station – Turk and Fillmore
Government and Elections Meeting –
Agenda TBD – check back later.
Please note the parking lot is no longer available for the public.
A Pro: Peskin – Con: Larry Marso
B.Pro: Safai or proxy – Con: Supervisor Matt Dorsey
C Pro: Mayor London Breed or representative – Con: John Avalos
D. Pro: Michel Channing or representative – Con: Eve Del Costello
E. Pro: Mayor London Breed or representative – Con: ????
F. Pro: Mayor London Breed or representative – Con: John Avalos
G. Pro: Laurance LeeCon: No opponent

Thursday, February 1, 12 PM –City Hall Room  250 – agenda
SF Planning Commission Meeting
– Item 13 – 13. 2021-005878CWP (L. CHEN: (628) 652-7422) – EXPANDING HOUSING CHOICE (HOUSING ELEMENT ZONING PROGRAM)  – Informational  –  Neighborhoods United SF, a citywide alliance of resident and business groups, is challenging the upzoning plans and promoting strategies that address our affordable housing shortage. Join others and email City Hall today (takes 5 minutes)! 

Monday, January 29, 1:30 PM – City Hall Room 250
Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting
Item #7 Ordinance # 231191 – [Implementation of Gashouse Cove Project – Marina Yacht Harbor]
 Sponsors: Safai; Peskin and Chan – Ordinance prohibiting the Recreation and Park Department and Planning Department from performing environmental review of, or otherwise implementing, a project to clean up and reconstruct the Marina Yacht Harbor in a manner that would extend the West Harbor Marina by more than 150 feet from its current boundary.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024. 7 PM Meet the D-9 Candidates
Live at El Rio – Harvey Milk Club is hosting a debate with Julian E. Bermudez, Trevor L. Chandler, Jackie Fielder, Jaime Gutierrez, Roberto Y. Hernandez, Stephen Torres.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024. 6:30 PM General Assembly – on Zoom
Up-zoning, Height Increases and Density Bonuses Ruining SF Neighborhoods Register:

Monday, January 8, 5 PM
Supervisors Peskin and Safai will hold a pubic meeting at the Sports Basement in the Presidio with updates on the ordinance # 231191
 prohibiting the Recreation and Park Department and Planning Department from performing environmental review of, or otherwise implementing, a project to clean up and reconstruct the. Marina Yacht Harbor in a manner that would extend the West Harbor Marina by more than 150 feet from its current boundary.  More information and a petition to support are here:


Please RSVP for the Fifty-Plus One: charlesnhead @
Easy parking near Broadway and Webster: map

Tuesday, November 21, 6:30 PM General Assembly
ProgramWaterfront Resilience Program
Luiz Barata , Sr. Planner/Urban Designer, Port of SF,
Link to video:
Take the survey: with maps and options.
Pdf of presentation:

Lots of flood zone maps. etc.

Tuesday, October 17, 6:30 PM General Assembly
Program – Marina Green Controversy with Chris Kaplan (Gas House) and Evelyn Graham and Bill Clarke, with Keep the Waterfront Open
Interview with Chris by Joe Bravo

Friday, October 13, 2023, 6:30PM – zoom
Government and Elections Meeting
SF Charter amendments and Ordinances will be discussed at this meeting. Details about issues are in the newsletter. Please review before the meeting. 
Links to videos:
CSFN Government and Elections with Matt Dorsey
Supervisor Engardio’s Ballot Initiative on 8th Grade Algebra Option

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sports Basement Presidio, 610 Old Mason Street, San FranciscJoin the neighborhood grassroots organization,, for a multi-faceted look at the SF Recreation & Parks Department’s (RPD) proposed Marina Remediation and Improvement Project to understand the genesis of the project and what it means for our neighborhood.
Topics will include the history of the Marina and the Small Craft Harbor, PG&E’s toxic remediation, status of the RPD project, an interactive discussion of what improvements can be made to increase access and recreational opportunities for all San Franciscans.
City Supervisors and officials from the Recreation & Parks Department will be invited to attend. Working together, we can make it better!.
Send letters and RSVP to attend live meetings:

Tuesday, September 19, 6:30 PM General Assembly
Program – Former Ethics Commissioner Larry Bush

Register for zoom meeting:

Wednesday, September 6, 7 PM – zoom
CSFN Land Use and Transportation Town Hall
Successful Housing Assistance Programs
Guest Speakers: Sean Jennings with Salvation Army
And Steven Currier, former co-chair of the  Vehicle Triage Center
at the Balboa Station tell us about the District 11 program.

Wednesday, September 6, 5 PM – zoom
Board of Appeals Hearing on Rincon Annex Signs
CSFN resolution  with talking points is here
Information on watching the hearing and calling to speak:

Wednesday, August 16 , 5 PM Board of Appeals at City Hall room 416
Hearing on 2550 and vicinity- PCE file # 23-034,  requesting Cancer causing carcinogen contamination be remediated.  Meeting details:
. Letters and public comments are appreciated.

Tuesday, August 15, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Guest Speaker: Carmen Chu, City Administrator

Tuesday, August 15, 1 PM SFMTA Board Meeting – Geary Merchants: need help to stop the quickbuild. 
Here is the link for upcoming SFMTA’s board meeting :

Thursday, Aug. 10 at 11 AM CPUC will vote on whether or not to authorize the above proposal. Opponents may protest again at McAllister and Van Ness

Monday, Aug. 7 at 11:30 am – Opponents of this sweeping authorization will protest at McAllister and Van Ness.  1-5 pm. CPUC will hold a status conference on proposal to expand the Robotaxi service permitting unlimited numbers of autonomous Waymo and Cruise vehicles to operate 24/7 throughout San Francisco for paying customers.

Wednesday, August 2, 6:30 PM  – City  Development
We will discus the issues in the neighborhoods and how we can help each other address those issues at the city and state level. Registration link:

Tuesday,  July 18  6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Program: Christine French, SF Heritage on Preserving San Francisco   Registration Link:

Tuesday,  June 20  6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Program:  Ask Aaron – After a few months as President of the Board of Supervisor Aaron Peskin joins us again to report on what has transpired and what we may expect in the coming months. Registration Link: :

Tuesday,  May 16, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Updated Program:  Panel Discussion: ” Robotaxis  Driving in SF: Red, Yellow or Green light Ahead? ” with:  Jonathan Barton  SFFD public information office – Joe Eskenazi Mission Local –  Ito Darton SFMTA –  Lt. Val Altimirano SFPD Taraval Station. Registration Link: :

Tuesday, April 18, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting –  zoom
Program: Panel Discussion on the Earthquake Risks facing all who live and work in San Francisco highrises. Panelists will include two seismic engineers, Dr. Thomas Heaton of Caltech and Dr. Keith Porter of University of Colorado, and a city administrator from the office overseeing the city’s earthquake resilience efforts. Registration Link: :

Saturday March 11, 10 AM – zoom
Livable California – RSVP at this link
Please join our teleconference with guest speaker Tom Rubin. He speak a variety of subjects, bringing together the subjects of housing near transit, transit utility and performance across the state, parking restrictions, utility of cars by lower income people, GHG of transit vs cars, impacts of new technology, and complete streets impact on emergency response.

Wednesday, March 15, 6:30PM – zoom – Agenda
CSFN Land Use Transportation Committee  Town Hall on Transportation – We will hear from Tom Rubin and others on the state bills, share information on emergency response problems and discus traffic and parking changes that are harming business, slowing emergency response times, and creating a lot of divisiveness and anger on the streets. Registration Link:

Tuesday, March 21, 3 PM –
Board of Supervisors hearing
on the three-year $1.4 billion proposed implementation plan for shelter and housing. San Francisco officials can and must provide shelter less expensively and more quickly.  Let City Hall know your view – declare an emergency and act with urgency to stand up emergency shelter.

Tuesday, March 21, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Program: Together SF Action: “Declare an Emergency, Act with Urgency!” by Kanishka Cheng, Executive Director of Tomorrow SF: Register