He’s parked in his driveway for a decade. The city just fined him $108 for doing it.

By Noah Baustin : sfstandard – excerpt

Richmond neighborhood resident David Jacoby was shocked Monday to discover that he and his neighbors had received $108 parking citations while their vehicles were sitting in their own driveways.

Their offense, according to the city, was blocking part of the sidewalk.

But Jacoby said that his Prius and the rest of the cars on his Second Avenue block were all parked exactly as they had been for the past decade, never before drawing the ire of parking enforcement.

“It seems a bit random and unwarranted and, frankly, unfair,” Jacoby said.

A few doors down, his neighbor Shari Johnston, also ticketed, was in disbelief that she was hit with a fine on her vehicle.

“It’s in our actual driveway that we pay for,” Johnston said…(more)


San Francisco invents new rules for ‘anti-homeless’ planters

SFMTA parking boss targeted minority neighborhoods, former deputy director alleges

Looks like the bosses need a new plan. When the permits to allow street furniture and planters come about, the issue of sitting down access is going to be a little hard to prove. More of this subject will be coming up soon now doubt. The next Mayor may have something to say about it. There is a long list of SFMTA employees who have filed complaints and those may expose even more problems in the department when new leadership takes over. These articles only show a tip of the iceberg.

One Reply to “He’s parked in his driveway for a decade. The city just fined him $108 for doing it.”

  1. I have one neighbor in a wheelchair and another one uses a walker. Park in the street like the rest of us. The world doesn’t revolve around you.

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