Hello, Neighbors: Mark Farrell’s mayoral campaign gets cozy with rich political group

By Josh Koehn and Gabe Greschler : sfstandard – excerpt

How close is too close in the famously incestuous world of San Francisco politics?

One political operative is testing those boundaries.

Jay Cheng, the executive director of the moderate political action committee Neighbors for a Better San Francisco, apparently spent time earlier this year moonlighting as a recruiter for the mayoral campaign of Mark Farrell.

Text messages shared with The Standard—first reported in a San Francisco Chronicle story on moderate political influence in the city—show that Cheng attempted to facilitate the hiring of a Farrell campaign staffer for a tidy $15,000 a month salary about two weeks after Farrell declared his candidacy.

“The offer is open!” Cheng wrote. “We’ll hold the position for you as long as you need.”… (more)