Gov. Newsom Says He May Be Wrong on Housing

For some time the state authorities have been using an inflated number. Finally the Governor is admitting the number is wrong. This information needs to reach a wider audience. Please let your people know the real housing shortage number is 1.2 million, not 3.5 million.

Thank YOU for helping Livable California fight Scott Wiener’s false narrative in his failed bill, SB 50 — the phony claim that California needs 3.5M million units of trickle-down housing and we must destroy communities to build it.

Wiener’s divisive view, conjured up by the huge consulting firm McKinsey, has influenced legislators, the L.A. Times, NYT and the governor.

Please join us by donating today, to pay our costs to face down Scott Wiener, starting NEXT WEEK when he unveils his misguided version of “SB 50, Try Again.”

We applaud Gov. Gavin Newsom, for last week openly questioning the wildly inflated 3.5 million number that set off panic bills in Sacramento. Gov. Newsom told a reporter that his own team is going to produce “realistic” housing goals, and that his team did not produce the 3.5 million figure.

We can help with that! The real need is 1.2 million, as shown by extensive data from the state’s housing department, HCD (read about it here).

Cities are WELL ALONG in approving projects to hit the 1.2 M need, and not slowing down (read about it here.)!

We at Livable California, and you, our members, play a key role in changing the debate. Please donate, and we’ll stop Wiener and finally get some decent housing laws in 2020.

Livable California is a non-profit statewide group of community leaders, activists and local elected officials. We believe in local answers to the housing affordability crisis. Our robust fight requires trips to Sacramento & a lobbyist going toe-to-toe with power. Please donate generously to here.