Explainer: How Ballot Measures Are Made in San Francisco

By Mike Ege : sfstandard – excerpt

It’s a rare election in San Francisco that doesn’t feature some form of measure on the ballot, and some of the policy questions they pose might have you asking how they wound up going to voters in the first place…

This year—with four elections scheduled—has been especially busy.

So far, San Francisco has voted on 11 ballot questions, including four recalls. Our final election of the year, on Nov. 8, will probably also feature a full slate of measures. To date, the Board of Supervisors is mulling 10 more charter amendments for the fall election. Meanwhile, more measures—including a plan to undo car closures in Golden Gate Park and the Great Highway—are in the works.

So, how do these questions come before the electorate?

Ballot measures can land on the ballot in multiple ways, from signature-gathering to the legislative process. Here’s a breakdown of the different kinds of ballot measures and how exactly they happen…(more)

Thanks to the author for taking this on. We need a refresher course every now and then since the laws on these procedures have been known to change.