Controversy over proposed Vehicle Triage Center in SF’s Candlestick Point neighborhood

By Melanie Woodrow : abc7news – excerpt (includes video)

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — A drive along the Hunters Point Expressway perimeter of Candlestick State Park reveals hundreds of RVs. A closer look reveals trash, human waste and needles. Residents say in addition to being unsightly, much of this is a fire hazard…

The proposed plan would provide spaces for unhoused people living in RVs and cars.

“We want equity. That’s all we want is equity in the community, so we feel sorry for the unhoused, but we need to spread the unhoused and disenfranchised around the city,” said Moore…(more)

That comment about spreading the unhoused and disenfranchised around the city needs to be addresses by anyone who thinks there is any part of the city untouched by the problem, and in the process of putting together a plan.