Mill Valley’s RHNA Methology Letter Calls for a Stronger Response

By Susan Kirsch of Mill Valley : marinpost – excerpt

This letter is written to the Mill Valley Mayor, Vice Mayor, and City Councilmembers, but it may apply to any of our local civic leaders who are considering how to deal with the RHNA number conundrum, made more obviously out of touch with reality by the large exodus of citizens from California this year.

The end of the land rush has come to the state, due to a number of factors, but, our government officials can’t get past their old methods of creating financing through growth. Read the letter here and consider how you may apply the information to your community…(more)

Review the investigative report by The Embarcadero Institute, entitled “Double Counting in the Latest Housing Needs Assessment” (September 2020)…

Use of an incorrect vacancy rate and double counting, inspired by SB-828, caused the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to exaggerate by more than 900,000 the units needed in SoCal, the Bay Area and the Sacramento area.”

2020 State Developer Bills

Livable California is recommending that CSFN and other organizations take a position to oppose on the state bills listed below.

A summary of each bill is on their website

Click on “Menu” then click on “Killing Bad Bills”. Scroll down for analysis of each bill.

SB1120 (Wiener/Atkins) Four plexes in RH-1 zoning.

SB 902 (Wiener) City councils can overturn voter mandates.

SB 995 (Wiener) Lowers affordable unit requirement.

SB 1085 (Skinner) Also lowers affordable unit requirement.

AB725 (Wicks) Upzoning RH-1.

AB 1279 (Bloom) Upzoning in opportunity zones.

AB 2345 (Gonzalez/Chiu) Bypass local control.

AB3040 (Chiu) Modify density bonus.

AB3107 (Bloom/Ting) Upzoning near commercial.


Board of Supervisors should say no to the Balboa Reservoir project

By Jean Barish and Wynd Kaufman : sfexaminer – excerpt

The proposed 1,100-unit housing development on the lower Balboa Reservoir deals multiple blows to San Francisco. It surrenders The City’s last large open parcel of public land to private developers who offer false promises, the most outrageous being that the project is the best affordable housing deal ever. It dooms hope for restoring and growing enrollment at City College of San Francisco. And the bargain basement price of the land sanctions corporate welfare as well as shameful stripping of a precious public asset.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors must reject the final approvals for this oversized project scheduled to come before them in the next weeks.

Let’s examine just a few of the more glaring false promises: Affordable housing, community collaboration and consideration of the needs of City College. None of these assertions stand up to scrutiny…(more)

SFPUC is the property owner. SFPUC is currently under investigation as a party in the Nuru corruption scandal. Why you trust the judgement and intentions of the officers of an organization charged with collaboration and possible corruption and bribery? What is the rush to sell a hugely valuable property at a deep discount that should be considered a huge loss? This transaction does not pass the smell test. See article below.


Feds target donations from city contractors with new subpoena in Nuru scandal
By Joshua Sabatini and Michael Barba : sfexaminer – excerpt
The office also released a subpoena of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission last week seeking documents related to city contractors and the personnel files of its director, Harlan Kelly, and Assistant General Manager Juliet Ellis(more)


Tell SF Planning that the Balboa Reservoir Project Must be Postponed

The Commission must hear from you by Friday, May 22 to assure that CCSF will be preserved and protected.

Next Thursday, May 28, the SF Planning Commission will be deciding the fate of CCSF by ruling on the Balboa Reservoir Project. We recently asked you to write the Commission asking them not to approve the project. If you’ve sent a letter, thank you. If you haven’t, we hope you will. In the meantime…

RIGHT NOW we need your immediate help!

We’ve just learned that the City and developers were supposed to enter into written agreements with CCSF regarding parking, transit and roadway access through City College. But despite assurances that this would happen…it hasn’t.

We’ve been told for years that this project is a collaboration with CCSF. Yet there’s never been a written agreement with this assurance. The Planning Commission must not rule on a project that doesn’t consider the needs of City College! We need to stop this train before it leaves the station. The future of students at City College is at stake.

Please write the Planning Commission NOW and ask them to postpone the May 28 Balboa Reservoir Project Hearing until these important agreements between CCSF, the City, and the developers have been reached.

Thank you for all you do to save CCSF.
Public Lands for Public Good

Copoy and past to Send Urgent Message to:
SF Planning Commission;;;;;;;;

Be sure to Copy:
SF Board of Supervisors, CCSF Chancellor, and CCSF Board of Trustees;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Sample email
Subject line:
URGENT: Balboa Reservoir Approvals Must Be Delayed Until

Dear Commissioner,
The City and Balboa Reservoir developers were supposed to enter into written agreements with CCSF regarding parking, transit and roadway access through City College. This hasn’t happened yet!

This project is supposedly a collaboration with CCSF. Yet there’s no written agreement with this assurance.

You must postpone the May 28 Balboa Reservoir Project Hearing until these important agreements between CCSF, the City, and the developers have been reached.

Please do not rule on a project that doesn’t consider the needs of City College. The future of students at City College is at stake!
