Ballot argument deadlines for June ballot


Thursday March 7, noon is the deadline for Submission of official Proponent and Opponent Ballot Arguments for Local Ballot Measures and District Measures 

Deadline for paid arguments is March 21, 2022. 

Writing arguments is extremely important. Paying for a ballot argument or signing onto one has been somewhat effective in the past.

Many of you are concerned about the $400 million bond issue.

You must fill out the forms and hand them in to City Hall with payment by noon Thursday, so get on that now if you want to write something.

We believe that opposing this bond is one of the first steps to take to convince City Hall that the voters oppose the agency policies and would make demands for more voter ballot initiatives on city policies easier to get on the ballot and passed.

I  believe that killing this bond measure may lower sales taxes tied to the current bond or keep them from going up. I am not clear on that. I’m sure someone will correct me if I am wrong about this.