An Ongoing, Private Light Show in Golden Gate Park? Who Knew

By Tim Redmond : missionlocal – excerpt

Photo by Barbara Heffernan

New ‘public-private’ entity would charge $40 admission to events, threaten flora and fauna, attract 180,000 visitors—with no public notice.

The latest “public private partnership” under the Recreation and Parks Department is calling for a winter nightime light show in the Botanical Gardens that will attract between 80,000 and 180,000 people at $28 to $40 a ticket and bring the private Botanical Gardens and Rec-Park an estimated $500,000.
The concept has upset some park advocates, including the California Native Plant Society, which says the crowded, noisy shows could disrupt the circadian cycles of both plants and wildlife in the park…(more)

The residents living near the park must be very upset. They just saw the end of the Ferris Wheel with its night lights and now there are more plans for night lights. For a city that wants to be green and conserve energy, these constant light shows are a waste and environmental menace. Who is ready to stop this wanton abuse of nature in the park?