Editor: Have I just been living under a rock? What’s going on in Golden Gate Park at the Polo Field?

By readers: sfrichmondreview. – excerpt

Have I just been living under a rock? What’s going on in Golden Gate Park at the Polo Field?

Are you aware that the promoters and owners of Outside Lands (I assume) have somehow convinced the city of San Francisco to pour a permanent concrete slab on a huge portion of the western end of the Polo Field in Golden Gate Park? I mean, ACTUALLY ON THE FIELD. It also looks like they are fixing to install a concrete path around the inside of the fence. Go have a look sometime, or see the attached photo. This is fixing to be a real eyesore. When did the city decide it was in the best interest of the taxpayers of this city to pour a huge unsightly slab of concrete on the beautiful (and historical) green of the Polo fields?…

From the Editor:

Here is the reply we received from the City:

“This is a renovation intended to prevent damage to the far western areas of our Polo Fields following the annual Outside Lands festival and avoid delaying the field’s reopening for athletics while we repair things like broken irrigation valves. Per the agreement, Another Planet is replacing these far western turf areas with decomposed granite (and reinforced concrete in select areas particularly prone to damage). The areas being replaced are outside the area of active field use and will not impact play.”…(more)

And no doubt some contractor needs a job.