Breed names Jenkins as new DA; now will the media hold her accountable?

By Tim Redmond : 48hills – excerpt

Brooke Jenkins, who helped fulfill the mayor’s clear agenda when she promoted the recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin, got her reward today when the mayor named her as Boudin’s replacement.

Jenkins became a high-profile player in the recall effort after she quit her job in Boudin’s Office, saying in effect that he wasn’t tough enough on crime.

That fits Breed’s recent stance; she has become more and more insistent on hiring cops, cracking down on low-level crime, and putting people in jail.

So now Jenkins will get to carry out those policies—to the extent that she can—and Breed will, finally, have to take some responsibility for public safety after a year of blaming everything on the DA.

At this point, the mayor controls the Police Commission and the chief, and has appointed a DA…(more)

You get the candidate that is paid for not the one you deserve when they run unopposed.