HEARING APRIL 14: Improve Public Safety – Provide Adequate Funding for Police Staffing

via email

Police staffing levels, hiring & retention are scheduled for a hearing this Thursday before the Public Safety & Neighborhood Services Cttee.

SFPD staffing levels are at historic lows. If you wish to register your support for more police officers in our neighborhoods, please email the committee members by this Wednesday,

Send an email Please send an email to the members of the Public Safety & Neighborhood Services Committee urging increased funding for police staffing. You can access a sample email with the appropriate email addresses here:  Send Pre-Written Email

If you have more time, please give public comment at the hearing. The committee agenda provides the link to SFGOVTV and call-in info.

Share with your neighbors, safety aliases, etc. Contact RescueSF for more information:  info@rescuesf.org     Visit our website: RescueSF.org

San Francisco Police Department Collaborative Reform Initiative