Breed’s allegiance to the Yimby movement is hurting her political future

By Calvin Welch : 48hills – excerpt

Some of her Big Tech allies have abandoned her—and now the neighborhoods are unhappy too…

Hammett’s 1920s cynicism of fictional San Francisco has been superseded by the 2020s reality facing voters this November: the simultaneous buying and taking of the city by a handful of billionaires. These billionaires’ intent is not only controlling the city’s politics, but also in replacing most of its current residents with folks more like them—wealthy and conservative.

This assault on the current residents of San Francisco is based, in part, on Yimby lies about housing policy, lies endorsed by the Breed administration. And the irony of ironies is that it is her “loyalty” to this agenda that has so weakened her among San Francisco voters that some of her wealthy backers have dropped her like a stone.

Breed has now been officially discarded by the very “moderates” she has courted with her pro-Yimby density/displacement plans and her hard right turn on crime and police. Parts of the big tech/real estate coalition have now formally endorsed Mark Farrell, saying that Breed has not “demonstrated an ability to govern with the degree of persistence and consistency necessary to solve San Francisco’s problems.”…(more)