volunteers recruiting volunteers

We are a group of volunteers recruiting other volunteers in a position to help (healthy, below 60) to support people who are particularly isolated and need help. We are also looking for people and small businesses that need assistance. We are using www.ho2pe.org to centralize requests.
Immediate needs may include:
1. Transport material (food, cleaning equipment) to specific locations
2. Prepare meals
3. Virtual after school care for families of healthcare workers
4. Virtual companionship for elderly people and those who are more isolated than most of us
We’d be so grateful if you could share the below blurb within your community, or let us know the best way for us to do so. We created quickly a website for people to request and propose help.
“Friends and neighbors in the Bay Area, the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting all our lives. Some at risk communities are disproportionately impacted. This is an open call to stand in solidarity as a community, in supporting and caring for one another. If you can offer time or resources, or know someone who needs support please sign up at www.ho2pe.org.”