Town Hall Report on Opening the city streets and action items:

People have asked for more extensive notes on the details that were discussed at the June 2 Town Hall on Opening the Streets.
Most of the issues discussed are explained by reading the petitions linked here:
The speakers requested that we sign the petitions, write letters, and make public comments at two meetings that were held last week. Chris Prima, introduced the San Francisco Driver’s Union group on nextdoor and invited people to join.
First meeting was a budget item for an equity study on the effects of closure of JFK, as requested by Shamann Walton. Some of us requested an independent third party be involved in the study with no ties to the departments or the Parks Alliance, that is under great scrutiny regarding various pay to play and other questionable practices the non-profit is pushing. Read the particles about the Park’s Alliance on 48hills and Mission Local if you want details on the allegations. Some people must have gotten that message about an independent study because the matter was raised by one of the Rec and Park Commissioners at the second meeting.
Second meeting was a joint meeting between Rec and Park and SFMTA that addressed the closing of the Great Highway. This was marathon meeting that lasted for 6 hours with hundreds of public comments on the closure. The supervisors will have the last say on the closing.
Link to that meeting: I suggest you cut to the end of the meeting to hear the comments by Rec and Park Commissioners and SFMTA Board members, or read the attached notes.
Recording of the June 10 joint Rec and Park and SFMTA Board Meeting:

Download notes on the meeting: 6-14 updates.