San Francisco is an early-adopter kind of place, and Tuesday’s lopsided vote to recall the school board was among the first of what could become a wave of school board recalls around the country, according to Ballotpedia

The Standard breaks down the arguments about what the school board recall was “really about.”

It’s the first sign of an ‘anti-woke’ movement that’s going to upend San Francisco politics and make waves in November’s midterms

The digital ink was hardly dry on the city’s election results website when the national stories started raining down on what the recall meant for this year’s midterm elections.

Some national media figures see the results as a harbinger of doom for Democrats. If America’s most progressive city is fed up with social-justice politics, that can only mean the tide has turned nationally–and hard–against policies that proponents say are critical components of a racial reckoning, but which critics dismiss as “wokeness” run wild…

On Sunday, London Breed went on Meet the Press and spoke in support of the misplaced-priorities theory.

“They were focusing on things that were clearly a distraction,” she said. “What was most important was that our kids were not in the classroom.”