San Francisco’s commission-cutting committee kicks off

    The work of figuring out how to pare back San Francisco’s dozens of commissions has begun.
    On Wednesday afternoon, the five members of The City’s newly formed Commission Streamlining Task Force gathered together in a City Hall meeting room. Among their first orders of business were figuring out some basics — things like when they’ll meet, how many commissions there are in The City, and how task force members should go about evaluating those bodies to determine which to keep, which to cut and which to reform.

Ed Harrington has been appointed to chair the task force, which was created by November’s Proposition E. In a recent interview, Harrington told The Examiner that before any reform decisions can be made, the task force must first answer some fundamental questions: “What makes a good commission? What are the kinds of commissions we’re trying to do in San Francisco, and how do we make them as strong as possible?”… (more)