Community leaders line up to oppose attacks on DA Chesa Boudin

By Tim Redmond : 48hills – excerpt

Records show the recall effort is backed by Big Tech, Finance, and Real-Estate (and someone who says ‘VC Lives Matter.’)

The right-wing campaign to recall District Attorney Chesa Boudin is a long way from qualifying for the ballot, but a coalition of community leaders and activists is already organizing to oppose it.

They argue that this campaign is part of an emerging trend to attack progressives and their positions in the city at a time when the left has had tremendous electoral successes…(more)

It is surprising to see where the money is coming from big tech, finance and real estate industries since most complaints about crime on the streets are coming from frustrated citizens complaining about the lack of police support. This a complicated situation and perceptions will probably outweigh the facts regardless of how much money or support is applied to either side.