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The Late Great Larry Bush on Ethics – audio 

Mayoral Power in San Francisco

SF Public Bank with Misha Steier

Campaign Finances 2024

Mandelman and RescueSF   –

President Peskin on Prop A

Videos from the GA Meeting on the ballot issues are on the above link.

RescueSF and Neighborhoods United SF with Aaron Peskin
CSFN January 2024 GA

Link to Coastal Commission Informational Hearing re Housing With Wiener 

Port of SF Waterfront Resilience Program 

CSFN Government and Elections with Matt Dorsey

Supervisor Engardio’s Ballot Initiative on 8th Grade Algebra Option

Larry Bush on Ethics – audio

District 11 Vehicle Triage Center 

Carmen Chu, San Francisco City Administrator at CSFN

Susan Candell explains Our Neighborhood Voices ballot initiative 

SF planning Department says revised plan to build skyscraper in sunset district violates code

A plan to build a skyscraper with residential housing that would tower more than 50-stories high in San Francisco’s Sunset District near Ocean Beach and the San Francisco zoo is raising debate over development of affordable housing and the desire by some neighbors to preserve the character of the area.

Renee Lazear lives nearby and says she was stunned to see the plans filed last week by owners of the lot where Sloat Garden currently stands… (more)

Christine French of SF Heritage at CSFN July 2023 Meeting
Speak about Preserving San Francisco Landmarks

President of the SF Board of Supervisors Arron Peskin
at the June CSFN General Assembly Meeting

SB 50 Warnings
Dennis Richards warned us what to expect from Wiener’s anti-CEQA SB 50. He accurately predicted the anti-CEQA density bills coming out of Sacramento would remove local jurisdiction and control over our communities and lifestyles with one exception. No one predicted gentrification displacement would result in a huge number of homeless people living on the streets. 

Driverless cars creating traffic jams in San Francisco – from NBC

What We Can Do About SF’s Drug Crisis 

Supervisor Peskin – February 2023 GA

SF Firefighters – March 2023 LUTC

Tom Rubin’s – March 2023 LUTC