Longshot mayoral candidates to host ‘People’s Debate’ every Saturday at Dolores

By Oscar Palma : Missionlocal – excerpt

Mayoral candidates Serena Hughes, Dylan Hirsch-Shell, Shahram Shariati, Guy McCoy and Honest Charley Bodkin spoke in Dolores Park during the first People’s debate for mayor this season on Saturday June 1, 2024.

Cruise ships to alleviate the housing crisis, temporary get-out-of-jail cards to allow prisoners to work, blue poles around the city with buttons that summon a police officer and many more gardens to grow food for San Franciscans.

These are all ideas from San Francisco mayoral candidates. Nope, not Mayor London Breed, Mark Farrell, Daniel Lurie, Aaron Peskin or Ahsha Safaí. Instead, they come from some of the other 48 candidates hoping to defeat incumbent Breed in November and claim Room 200 in City Hall… (more)