
The Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods grew out of concerned neighborhood organizations whose proposals to the Planning Department for amendments to the height and bulk limits were rejected. The San Francisco Foundation gave a small grant to get the Coalition on its way, with SPEAK serving as fiscal agent, and a part time secretary was hired to set up meetings, produce a Newsletter and to recruit neighborhood organizations.

PAR – the Planning Association for the Richmond president, Martin McIntyre convened the first meeting on September 11, 1972, with 47 representatives of neighborhoods present, covering most of San Francisco neighborhoods.

 The Coalition was incorporated in 1991 as a 501(c)4 non profit civic organization with a Board of Directors made up of representatives of member organizations. It has held candidates and issues forums to educate the members and the public. It has, through member participation and lobbying, supported its members on issues affecting the broad community and continues to watch various City departments to insure fair treatment of all city residents.

As of 2024 our members are:

Barbary Coast Neighborhood Association
Cole Valley Improvement Association
Corbett Heights Neighbors
Cow Hollow Association
Diamond Heights Community Association
Dolores Heights Improvement Club
East Mission Improvement Association
Excelsior District Improvement Association
Forest Knolls Neighborhood Organization
Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association
Greater West Portal Neighborhood Association
La Playa Village Coalition
Laurel Heights Improvement Association
Marina Community Association
Midtown Terrace Homeowners Association
Mid-Sunset Neighborhood Association
Miraloma Park Improvement Club
Oceanview/Merced Heights/Ingleside Neighbors In Action
Pacific Heights Residents Association
Parkmerced Action Coalition
Rincon Point Neighbors Association
Sunset Heights Association of Responsible People
Sunset-Parkside Education & Action Committee
Telegraph Hill Dwellers
University Terrace Association