Transparency and Accountability

By London Breed : medium – excerpt

I write this in the spirit of transparency, because in the wake of a scandal at City Hall, I think San Franciscans are entitled to hear directly from their Mayor. And also, quite frankly, to dispel some unfortunate rumors that have already begun to circulate.

Mohammed Nuru and I have been close personal friends for more than 20 years. We dated for a brief time, two decades ago, long before I ever ran for office. Nevertheless, he, and his now-adult daughters, have remained close friends for all those years.

And so it was with a profound sense of shock, sadness, disappointment and anger that I learned of the federal charges against Mohammed announced two weeks ago…

And in the spirit of my directive to city employees to be as transparent as possible, I want to note that in my annual “Statement of Economic Interests,” due this coming April 1, I will voluntarily disclose a “gift” of approximately $5,600 from Mohammed Nuru…

I have no doubt that some will seek to exploit what I have shared here, to harm me politically. I, and others, may be weighed down from guilt by association as a result of this episode.

But I can’t worry about that now. What’s important is that we all hold ourselves accountable to the people of San Francisco, and do our jobs to the best of our abilities, honestly and faithfully, as our oath requires.

We must continue to support the hard-working employees at our Public Works Department, who are out there every day cleaning our streets and striving to improve our City. Finally, we must take this opportunity to make necessary reforms to strengthen accountability in our departments and restore the public trust… (more)

SF Board of Supervisors wants to protect City Hall with a Budget Boost

1/28 & 1/31) Stop the cuts at CCSF!

The San Francisco Labor Council just passed a resolution supporting Supervisor Walton’s legislation allocating a $2.7 million dollar budget supplemental for City College to restore the classes cut from the Spring and Summer 2020 schedules last November. With 7 out of 11 Supervisors pledging support for the measure, we expect it to pass when the Board votes tomorrow. (January 28, 2029)

Help us keep CCSF the kind of college all of our San Francisco communities deserve! Join two upcoming hearings at City Hall in room 250 on the devastating class cuts at City College. PLEASE RSVP

Please wear red for education. If you have to prioritize one event please plan to participate on Friday 1/31 from 9:30-11:30am.

TUESDAY, 1/28, 1-4PM

  • 1-2pm, 2nd floor Supervisors’ hallStop by Supervisors’ offices to thank or ask for their support.
  • 2-4pm, room 250Board of Supervisors will vote on Supervisor Walton’s $2.7M Emergency Bridge Funds ordinance. There will be no dedicated public comment on this measure but, if you can, please be present in chambers to show support during the vote. Wear your “Red for Ed” AFT shirt or other red clothing. Meeting begins at 2pm, but our item is #29 on the agenda, so it will likely come to the Board on the later side — perhaps closer to 4:00pm. PLEASE RSVP

FRIDAY, 1/31, 9:30-11:30AM

  • 9:30am, Polks St. steps: Rally, wear your “Red for Ed” AFT shirt or other red clothing.
  • 10-11:30am, room 250Public comment to the Joint Education Committee. We’ve seen the decimation of African American Studies, Philippine Studies, Tagalog, older adult classes, and much more. Supervisor Walton has called a special Joint Education Committee hearing with an emphasis on the effects that class cuts have on our low income and students of color. Please come and be heard. Please invite your students. Let’s push back on the narrative that narrowing class offerings helps our students succeed. PLEASE RSVP
More info: Athena Waid,

2019 CSFN Holiday Celebration

Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods
Annual Holiday Celebration and Dinner
Patio Español Restaurant, 2850 Alemany Boulevard
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
No-host Cocktails 6 PM Dinner at 7 PM
SF Fire Department Toy Drive will provide provide barrels for donations of unwrapped new or slightly used toys.
Keynote speaker: Heather Knight Journalist with SF Chronicle
Honorees: Retiring Sheriff Vicki Hennessy
and Retired Fire Chief: Joanne Hayes-White
Special Recognition: Stop Crime S. F.
Entrées to choose from:
Prime Ribs (Through November 25)
Chicken with Sherry Sauce
Pasta Primavera
or Paella
Individual tickets: $75
Sponsor: $150 (1)
Half Table: $650 (5)
Full Table: $975 (10)
Include number for guests and entree selections
Payment by check or at the door
Written to: Coalition for SF Neighborhoods
PO Box 472494, SF, CA 94147

Download pdf of flyer: Holiday 2019

Contact CSFN :
PO Box 320098, San Francisco, CA 94132
(415) 425-4600