A call for the state to revoke PG&E’s license to sell power

By Tom Molanphy : 48hills – excerpt
In the wake of more criminal charges, some say the PUC should end the private utility’s role as the main energy provider in Northern California (paving the way for public power).

The Sonoma County DA’s office filed criminal charges against PG&E this past week, the latest entry on the utility’s criminal rapsheet that seems longer than a California power line. PG&E stated that the company disagreed with the criminal charges and is “committed to making it right.”

The Reclaim Our Power grassroots organization responded with an emotional press conference Thursday, demanding that the California Public Utility Commission make things right by denying PG&E’s “safety certificate” on April 15th, a drastic step that would bring PG&E one step closer to having its entire business license revoked…(more)