Do NOT Re-Zone the Balboa Reservoir!

Stop the sale of public land, or at last continue the decision.
Tell SF Planning Commission: Do NOT Re-zone the Balboa Reservoir!

Thursday, April 9,  1PM – agenda
SF Planning Commission Meeting  Videoconference and Call-in
Stream the live meeting:
A public comment call-in line number will be provided on the Department’s webpage and during the live SFGovTV broadcast.

Agenda Item 16b:  Consideration of Initiation of “General Plan Amendments” for the Balboa Reservoir Project. This 315 page document contains amendments to the Balboa Park Station Area Plan (2009). If the Commission approves the Initiation of the General Plan Amendments meeting, they could schedule a hearing as early as April 30th to take action, such as re-zoning the land.

Currently the reservoir land is zoned as “P” (Public) which does not allow private use of public property. Re-zoning it to “Balboa Reservoir Special Use District” would allow privatization. Additionally, this proposed re-zoning would allow the current 40 feet height limit to be increased to 78 ft.

These decisions pave the way for the construction of the Balboa Reservoir Project. Please consider sending comments to the Planning Commissioners:
See Contacts and talking points. here