Tuesday, November 21, 6:30 PM General Assembly
Program – Waterfront Resilience Program
Luiz Barata , Sr. Planner/Urban Designer, Port of SF,
Link to video: https://youtu.be/sccMBL_6ycA?si=bzKOpNds7FQTs05i
Take the survey:
 https://sfport.com/wrp with maps and options.
Pdf of presentation: https://csfn.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/231121-WRP-Update-CSFN.pdf

Lots of flood zone maps. etc.

Tuesday, October 17, 6:30 PM General Assembly
Program – Marina Green Controversy with Chris Kaplan (Gas House) and Evelyn Graham and Bill Clarke, with Keep the Waterfront Open
Interview with Chris by Joe Bravo

Friday, October 13, 2023, 6:30PM – zoom
Government and Elections Meeting
SF Charter amendments and Ordinances will be discussed at this meeting. Details about issues are in the newsletter. Please review before the meeting. 
Links to videos:
CSFN Government and Elections with Matt Dorsey
Supervisor Engardio’s Ballot Initiative on 8th Grade Algebra Option

Wednesday, October 11, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Sports Basement Presidio, 610 Old Mason Street, San FranciscJoin the neighborhood grassroots organization, keepthewaterfrontopen.org, for a multi-faceted look at the SF Recreation & Parks Department’s (RPD) proposed Marina Remediation and Improvement Project to understand the genesis of the project and what it means for our neighborhood.
Topics will include the history of the Marina and the Small Craft Harbor, PG&E’s toxic remediation, status of the RPD project, an interactive discussion of what improvements can be made to increase access and recreational opportunities for all San Franciscans.
City Supervisors and officials from the Recreation & Parks Department will be invited to attend. Working together, we can make it better!.
Send letters and RSVP to attend live meetings: https://forms.wix.com/r/7099950173299671218.

Tuesday, September 19, 6:30 PM General Assembly
Program – Former Ethics Commissioner Larry Bush
Register for zoom meeting:

Wednesday, September 6, 7 PM – zoom
CSFN Land Use and Transportation Town Hall
Successful Housing Assistance Programs
Guest Speakers: Sean Jennings with Salvation Army
And Steven Currier, former co-chair of the  Vehicle Triage Center
at the Balboa Station tell us about the District 11 program.

Wednesday, September 6, 5 PM – zoom
Board of Appeals Hearing on Rincon Annex Signs
CSFN resolution  with talking points is here
Information on watching the hearing and calling to speak: https://sf.gov/meeting/september-6-2023/board-appeals-hearing-september-6-2023

Wednesday, August 16 , 5 PM Board of Appeals at City Hall room 416
Hearing on 2550 and vicinity- PCE file # 23-034,  requesting Cancer causing carcinogen contamination be remediated.  Meeting details: 
. Letters and public comments are appreciated.

Tuesday, August 15, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Guest Speaker: Carmen Chu, City Administrator

Tuesday, August 15, 1 PM SFMTA Board Meeting – Geary Merchants: need help to stop the quickbuild. https://www.gearyblvd.org/ 
Here is the link for upcoming SFMTA’s board meeting : https://view.message.sfmta.com/?qs=c7f6b8d70bef164f9c629a2efd4fcde378d8ba9b4c9a780f7a98fc19de544c5ec84138b755fcd506df375a71d78879dd3284472b3bed15aa75aaa1eb261ea643da35f9dbc9e5325bffe0f97313f35c29

Thursday, Aug. 10 at 11 AM CPUC will vote on whether or not to authorize the above proposal. Opponents may protest again at McAllister and Van Ness

Monday, Aug. 7 at 11:30 am – Opponents of this sweeping authorization will protest at McAllister and Van Ness.  1-5 pm. CPUC will hold a status conference on proposal to expand the Robotaxi service permitting unlimited numbers of autonomous Waymo and Cruise vehicles to operate 24/7 throughout San Francisco for paying customers.

Wednesday, August 2, 6:30 PM  – City  Development
We will discus the issues in the neighborhoods and how we can help each other address those issues at the city and state level. Registration link:

Tuesday,  July 18  6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Program: Christine French, SF Heritage on Preserving San Francisco   Registration Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUsduqtqjksH9PnmGFHmIfFAdbmQ1uu005A

Tuesday,  June 20  6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Program:  Ask Aaron – After a few months as President of the Board of Supervisor Aaron Peskin joins us again to report on what has transpired and what we may expect in the coming months. Registration Link: : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rf-qprTosGtHQUjKSENf07jJXwyXv5EES

Tuesday,  May 16, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Updated Program:  Panel Discussion: ” Robotaxis  Driving in SF: Red, Yellow or Green light Ahead? ” with:  Jonathan Barton  SFFD public information office – Joe Eskenazi Mission Local –  Ito Darton SFMTA –  Lt. Val Altimirano SFPD Taraval Station. Registration Link: : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqduqvpz8pHtI0tvYsEY0WSlBN3k5w4nn6

Tuesday, April 18, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting –  zoom
Program: Panel Discussion on the Earthquake Risks facing all who live and work in San Francisco highrises. Panelists will include two seismic engineers, Dr. Thomas Heaton of Caltech and Dr. Keith Porter of University of Colorado, and a city administrator from the office overseeing the city’s earthquake resilience efforts. Registration Link: : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcrc-mgqj0tEtbNHMq_4wCRvN2pi78438wC

Saturday March 11, 10 AM – zoom
Livable California – RSVP at this link
Please join our teleconference with guest speaker Tom Rubin. He speak a variety of subjects, bringing together the subjects of housing near transit, transit utility and performance across the state, parking restrictions, utility of cars by lower income people, GHG of transit vs cars, impacts of new technology, and complete streets impact on emergency response.

Wednesday, March 15, 6:30PM – zoom – Agenda
CSFN Land Use Transportation Committee  Town Hall on Transportation – We will hear from Tom Rubin and others on the state bills, share information on emergency response problems and discus traffic and parking changes that are harming business, slowing emergency response times, and creating a lot of divisiveness and anger on the streets. Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkdemqqT8uGdNQ12xY-Jzad4NtHfIOt0dC

Tuesday, March 21, 3 PM – sfgovtv.org
Board of Supervisors hearing
on the three-year $1.4 billion proposed implementation plan for shelter and housing. San Francisco officials can and must provide shelter less expensively and more quickly.  Let City Hall know your view – declare an emergency and act with urgency to stand up emergency shelter.

Tuesday, March 21, 6:30 PM CSFN GA Meeting – zoom
Program: Together SF Action: “Declare an Emergency, Act with Urgency!” by Kanishka Cheng, Executive Director of Tomorrow SF: Register https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odOutrjsuHNxQ0y6_qiGqG9elDceobb_N