East Mission Improvement Association 
Delegates: Mari Eliza, Rick Hall
2946 16th Street Suite 200-1 SF CA 94103


EMIA was established in 1949, as a neighborhood organization that represents residents, businesses and property holders with interests in the district within the area commencing at César Chavez Street and South Van Ness Avenue, North to 20th Street, East to York Street, North to 18th Street, East to Highway 101, South to César Chavez Street, West to the point of commencement.

The boundary was set when the northern area of the Mission was filled with industry and commerce, so that area was excluded. Changes in uses and zoning have turned us into a more homogenous community of residences and mixed-use properties, and many of the residents north of 18th Street have expressed a desire to join us, so the membership is expanding our area north to Division and Duboce to include the new residents and businesses to bring unity to the North East Mission.

EMIA boundaries: César Chavez Street to Division/Duboce, and Valencia to Highway 101. We have carved out an area that overlaps with the Liberty Hill Historic District.

EMIA encourages improvements for the betterment of the district, proposes measures for the advancement, benefit and civic interest of the district and the City and County of San Francisco. We monitor the actions of City government and other public agencies which affect our community and are prepared to take a take a stand on critical public issues and making clear to elected and appointed officials the concerns of EMIA members. We endorse or oppose, and advocate for or against, proposed issues and measures which directly or indirectly impact the East Mission.

We are a non-partisan organization and do not endorse candidates for office as an organization, though our members may choose to do so speaking as individuals. One of our strengths is our experience, dedication and resolve, and our understanding of government processes and our historical knowledge of how the city functions. We mentor people who want to be enlightened and engaged in public discourse and learn how to analyze and resolve issues working within the government system.